Auck Family Benefit

Auck Family Benefit

Sunday, October 4, 2015
Red Lion Colonial Hotel

The Lost & Foundation held a benefit concert and raised over $19,000 on October 4 for a local Helena Family.  The Aucks – Kari (28) and Jessie (30), with boys Bode (6) and Kingston (4) – have each dealt with extensive medical issues.

Jesse has a rare bladder disorder (Eosinophilic Cystitis) that has required surgery. Fortunately, it now appears to be in remission. 

Kari has an inherited blood disorder (Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase) that has resulted in five surgeries, most recently open-heart surgery. She has suffered a pulmonary embolism, atrial fibrillation, and a heart murmur.

Kingston was born prematurely with club feet, requiring extensive treatment.  He has recently suffered an abscess in his neck, and undergone dental surgery.

To top it all off, while wresting earlier this year, Bode suffered a broken arm requiring three pins.

Thanks to all the donors, sponsors, musicians, technicians, and volunteers for a great event!  And especially, thanks to all who attended the benefit to help a great cause!


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